HSA Company

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31 JAN

HSA Company

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31 JAN

HSA Company

31 JAN

Our Application Process,
broken down

We want to be as transparent as possible with how we hire at HSA so you know exactly what is involved and how best to prepare.

Written Application: A brief summary

The first step to applying for a management position HSA is a short written application. This portion of the application is a chance for us to learn about why you are interested in HSA and any other work that you have been involved with previously. Don’t worry if you’re coming in without prior business experience under your belt: the majority of our managers didn’t have any either!

Round 1 Interviews: Getting to know you

The first round is a 30 minute interview in which a member of our upper management team will get to know you a bit more in-depth, from your thought processes to your interests. The questions during this round are meant to help us understand what you would bring to the HSA team and how your past experiences have shaped you into the person you are, so reflect on what would make you a great HSA manager and bring your authentic self.

Round 2 Interviews: Live Case Study

The second round interview is a 30 minute live case in which we will present you with a business-related case study to gauge your business sense. As with the written application, no prior business experience or preparation before the case round is necessary—we just want to see how you think and hear what goes behind your decisions.

Round 3 Interviews: Finding your fit

The final interview is a 1:1 conversation between you and a Managing Director to see which specific roles and/or agencies you would fit into.

Hear from current students

A few insights from current students at HSA about why you should stop what you are doing and apply now.



Hear what
our alumni say

HSA has an alumni network called HSA entryway where you can connect and network with past and present HSAers.

“I had come from a medical family and had very little business experience.... HSA provided me with a first look at what it would be like to be a manager — and I liked it. It led to me applying to Harvard Business School, where I got in two years later. Other than my academic credentials, my main asset was the experience I had running an agency at HSA. It transformed my outlook on what professional opportunities would be best suited for me."

Jonathan Grayer
Former Chairman and CEO of Kaplan, Inc.

“I greatly appreciate the relationships that started during my HSA years that continue until this day. I am still good friends with many of the HSA team members I worked with. HSA Board members continue to be significant mentors in my life on both personal and professional fronts... You could say my HSA memories are still being made.”

Managing Partner, Volition Capital

"Writing for Let’s Go, I think there’s a certain type of confidence you build — not from knowing the situation will go according to plan, but knowing it certainly won’t go according to plan and having the experience to deal with it."

Mary Louise Kelly
Anchor, NPR's All Things Considered

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that is not answered below, please email recruiting@hsa.net to request more information.
What if I have no prior business experience and this is my first job?

No problem! At HSA, we will teach you everything you need to know on the job. All you need to do is bring is your best effort and a desire to learn. Throughout your time at HSA, you will also have a manager to support you and answer any questions you have along the way.

Do HSA employees get paid?

Yes! Wages start at $16 per hour and can range up to well over $20 per hour depending on which agency and what role you are working in. At HSA, we are particularly proud of that fact that our lowest paid employees are our managers. We like to say that they trade wages for experience.

How much do HSA employees work?

First-year managers can expect to work 10-15 hours per week and hours are more variable for our team members. Team members get to make their own schedules and can work as little or as much at they would like.

If I am interested in more than one position, should I fill out multiple applications?

Nope! HSA uses one central application for all our hiring decisions. Please be sure to check which positions you would like to be considered for and one or more of our hiring managers will be in touch with you shortly.

What if I don't want to pursue business in the future? Should I still apply to be a manager?

Not to worry! Through your HSA experience, you will learn skills like teamwork, communication, and analytical thinking that will be helpful for any career path. You will also meet some of your closest friends and join one of the tightest communities on campus.

When does HSA hire for managers?

HSA is always hiring for talented individuals to join our management team. Many of our best managers throughout the 65-year history of HSA have not come through our main fall recruitment round.

Oh, we forgot to mention: we’re also a non-profit!

Along with with fostering an entrepreneurial spirit, we are dedicated to supporting the Harvard community. Since our founding in 1957, every year we are budgeted so that our revenue goes back into student wages, financial aid, and operating expenses.

Oh, we forgot to mention, we’re also a non-profit!

Along with with fostering an entrepreneurial spirit, we are dedicated to supporting the Harvard community. Since our founding in 1957, every year we are budgeted so that our revenue goes back into student wages,  financial aid, and operating expenses.
Applications for the FY26 cycle are NOW OPEN!
Click here
for other opportunities at Harvard Student Agencies.


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